Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Treeview acting strange in UpdatePanel

We are having issues with a treeview in an updatepanel with the RC release. When we click a child node, sometimes it closes other nodes at the same level. When a closed node is expanded again, it has a child node that is expanded. It looks like the treeview is mixing up an opened node with one of its child nodes. If we take it out of an update panel, it works fine, but does full postbacks at every click. Any ideas how to fix this problem?

treeview is not supported by Ajax.NET (I heard rumours about Q3 Orcas -related update)

do search in the forum

I have been searching, but didn't find much. It is just yet another ASP.NET control that isn't supported with UpdatePanels since the CTPs...

I would say treeview made troubles even in CTPs...

this control is discussed quite often here, even the post preceding yours mentions that...

It worked fine for us before, and the menu also did. We were also able to use ReportViewers without having to do a full postback, which you have had to since the Betas.

I am really disappointed that Menu and TreeView controls are not supported in ASP.Net AJAX UpdatePanels. I have a production website that successfully uses Menu and TreeView controls in UpdatePanels using the July CTP of Atlas. Sounds like I will never be able to upgrade to the fully supported ASP.Net AJAX version. I know that the TreeView control can do an asynchronous callback for the TreeNodePopulate event, but I also need partial page postbacks for the SelectedNodeChanged event. In fact, I want PopulateNodesFromClient to be false anyway otherwise the atlas UpdateProgress control does not appear for TreeNodePopulate event asynchronous callbacks. And I extensively use Menu controls to create tabstrips in combination with a MultiView control. I hope Menu and Treeview support can still be added to the final version of ASP.Net AJAX.


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