Monday, March 26, 2012

TreeView, UpdatePanel PopulateOnDemand problem

When I use a PopulateOnDemand TreeView inside an UpdatePanel - when I click on the root node to populate its immediate children, it expands with the child nodes displayed. If I then click on any of the child nodes, the root node collapses. This does not happen if not in an UpdatePanel.

Also, if I click on the root node again and then click on an immediate child to populate its children, it has the same behavior. After the root node automatically collapses, if I click on the root node again, all child nodes that were expanded will still be expanded.

Does anyone know how I can get the root node to not automatically collapse when I click on any of its descendent nodes?

The TreeView isn't supported inside an UpdatePanel, see the last bullet point on this blog and follow the UpdatePanel doc link:

PopulateOnDemand PopulateNodesFromClient actually uses client script as it is.


Thanks for the response. When you say that it uses client script, what does that mean? PopulateOnDemand seems to cause full page refreshes - even when I use EnableClientScript and PopulateNodesFromClient...

That's what PopulateNodesFromClient does:

The example states:"The following code example demonstrates how to use thePopulateNodesFromClient property to enable client-side population of the nodes in theTreeView control. Notice that when client-side node population is enabled, nodes are populated dynamically on the client, without the need to post back to the server."


Thanks. My point was that it still caused a full page refresh. If it was happening on the client (using Ajax), then I wouldn't see a full page refresh. It turns out that I had to take out my TreeNodeExpanded and TreeNodeCollapsed event handlers to get rid of the full page refresh. After doing that, though, child nodes (that definitely have a parent node) have their Parent property set to null.

I am making headway though...thanks for your help.

You may want to check out this:


Thanks. Good article. But it still does not explain why the Parent property is null on a child node. Again, this only happens with EnableClientScript, PopulateNodesFromClient and without TreeNodeExpanded and TreeNodeCollapsed event handlers. I need the Parent node for context so I can populate nodes more than 2 deep.

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